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The Village Commission will make the minutes of meetings availalbe for viewing after they are approved by the Commission.

Minutes of Meeting of Weymouth Board of Commissioners

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Village of Weymouth was held on December 6th, 2021 in the meeting room at the Medical Centre with Commissioners Gaudett, Frizzell, and Mullen present.

Meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:10 pm.

The minutes of the meeting of November 1st, 2021 were approved as presented on motion by Commissioner Frizzell and seconded by Commissioner Mullen

Business Arising out of the Minutes:
-The Municipality has been notified that the Commissioners have ratified the appointments to the Accessibility Committee.
-WWDC have been advised of our continued support of their Spark the Spirit Christmas Light project

-Letter from the Municipality requesting confirmation of the village tax rate for 2022.
-Email from Dorothy Doucette on behalf of WWDC requesting financial support for the installation of solar radar speed signs for the down town core.
-Letter from Borderlink Insurance agency advised of a refund of $969 on fire equipment insured in error.
-Email from Municipality requesting confirmation of the village service rate for 2022
-Letter for NS Health advising of guidelines required to be followed with regard to Covid 19.
-Letter from Dept of Transportation advising of requirements and related costs involved in having crosswalks installed where the sidewalk crosses for one side of the road to the other side.
-Letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing advising of the formation of a working group to develop a Municipal Code of Conduct for elected officials

Financial Reports: An updated financial report was presented by Clerk Treasurer. Approved on motion by Commissioner Mullen seconded by Commissioner Frizzell. Clerk also provided each commissioner with a copy of Grant Thornton’s recently completed audit for fiscal year ending March 31, 2021. Commissions will review the contents and will discuss any areas of concern at January’s meeting

New Business:
-With reference to the letter from the Municipality, it was decided to review village rate at the January meeting following detailed review of the 2021 financial results
-With reference to the request for funding for the financial support for the radar speed sign it was decided not to participate as they had already undertaken an assessment of radar sign issue.
-With the refund expected from our insurer the outstanding amount invoiced to the Fire department will be absorbed by the commission. With regard to insurance, it was suggested that we attempt to find less expensive coverage. Clerk to review with other Villages for alternatives.
-Given the prohibitive costs involved with the cross walk proposal has been withdrawn.
-No action required on Minister’s letter.

Commission meetings will continue to be held on the first Monday of the month unless otherwise advised. As the first Monday n January is a holiday for most, the next meeting will be Monday January 10th, 2022. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 on motion Commissioner Frizzell seconded by Commissioner Mullen

Respectively submitted¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
________________ _____________________ Clerk Treasurer Chair

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