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The Village Commission will make the minutes of meetings availalbe for viewing after they are approved by the Commission.

Minutes of Meeting of Weymouth Board of Commissioners

A meeting of the Weymouth Board of Commissioners was held on May 11th, 2015 with Commissioners Gaudett, Frizzell and Raymond present. Chair, Commissioner Gaudett called the meeting to order at 6:57 PM .

Minutes of Meeting of April 13th was approved as circulated on motion by Commissioner Frizzell and seconded by Commissioner Raymond.

Business Arising out of the Minutes:
Fire Dept meeting schedule for this meeting
Commissioner Frizzell has yet to make contact with NS Power to rectify street light issues. His and Morton Frankland's remain to be rectified.
Renovations have started for additional storage space for VON.

At this point, meeting turned over to representatives of Fire Dept who requested assistance in replacing roof of fire hall. They have received two quotes, both close to $20,000. As fire Dept services a fire district that is much larger than the village boundaries it was decided to contact Municipality to determine if there is any Fire District funding available for this purpose. Clerk to contact Linda Fraser, CAO to start the ball rolling.

Financial Reports: An updated financial report was presented by Clerk Treasurer. Year end audit has been started with Julien LeBlanc, CA heading up this year's audit on behalf of Grant Thornton.

Letter from Municipal Affairs outlining new on=line procedures for applying for and following up Municipal grants

New Business:
Discussion of up coming annual village meeting of Electors. Tentatively set for Monday June 22 at the fire hall. Further discussion on prospective commissioners, one to fill expiring term of Dwight Wagner and one to replace Michel Doucet..

Next meeting date will be June 15th, 2015 to enable commissioners to peruse the audited financial statements.

There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 8:02 on motion Commissioner Raymond 2nd Commissioner Frizzell.

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