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The Village Commission will make the minutes of meetings availalbe for viewing after they are approved by the Commission.

Minutes of Meeting of Weymouth Board of Commissioners

A meeting of the Weymouth Board of Commissioners was held on April 4th, 2016 with Commissioners Gaudett, Raymond, and Mullen present. Chair, Commissioner Gaudett called the meeting to order at 6.55 PM Also present was ratepayer Donna Hoppe.

The minutes of Meetings March 7th were approved on motion by Commissioner Raymond and seconded by Commissioner Mullen.

Business Arising out of the Minutes:
up date on doctor situation - Dr Ehlers has decided to decline our offer at this time due to family commitments. Recruiter's contract still has two months to run and they will continue their efforts to locate a suitable family physician.
Clerk advised that a fax line has been installed under the special health dept program. We will be invoice by Health Authority annually or semi-annually.
Water restriction has been officially lifted following successful mineral water testing.
No new developments with regard to part time nurse practitioner.

Financial Reports: An updated financial report was presented by Clerk Treasurer. Acceptance of report moved by Commissioner Mullen and seconded by Commissioner Raymond. Carried.

Up dated municipal tax register received
Report from Highway 101 committee received and circulated.
Report from Dept of Environment rescinding the previously issued water advisory.

New Business:
Repairs were made to power source for flashing light at intersection at junction of Highway 1, the Payson Road and the Weymouth Falls Road, however, for some as yet unknown reason the hook up was deemed unacceptable by Nova Scotia Power. As this is a Dept of Highways issue the matter will be referred to them for follow up.
Subject of village gardens was discussed. Standing provision for up to $500 to assist the Board of Trade in maintaining the gardens was extended for another year.

Next meeting date will be May 2nd, 2016

There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 8:35 on motion Commissioner Raymond 2nd Commissioner Mullen.

Respectively submitted

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Clerk Treasurer Chair

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