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The Village Commission will make the minutes of meetings availalbe for viewing after they are approved by the Commission.

Minutes of Meeting of Weymouth Board of Commissioners

A meeting of the Weymouth Board of Commissioners was held on Oct 3rd, 2016 with Commissioners Gaudet, Frizzell, and Mullen present. Commissioner Raymond sent his regrets. Chair, Commissioner Gaudett called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.

Also present were two interested citizen.

The minutes of Meetings of Sept 6th, 2016 were approved on motion by Commissioner Frizell and seconded by Commissioner Mullen.

Business Arising out of the Minutes:
Infrastructure - clerk checked with Mun Rep and was advised that it didn't appear we would be eligible for the federal infrastructure funding, however, other possibilities exist. Details were sent in an e-mail..
Clerk also received some information on format for the up coming public meeting
Clerk continues to work with Grant Thornton on outstanding issues
Doctor recruiting - another meeting set for Tuesday October 4th. Public meeting Oct 18th.
Driveway has been repaired and bill submitted
Commissioner Raymond has contacted Larwen Construction regarding roof. (see new business)

Financial Reports: An updated financial report was presented by Clerk Treasurer. Acceptance of report moved by Commissioner Mullen and seconded by Commissioner Frizzell. Carried.

Grant Thornton - e-mail on Fire Dept financial issues- to be reviewed by clerk
Notice from UPS on undeliverable package - no one is aware of any package being due.
Letter from the Mayor of Oshawa, Ont looking for letter of support to maintain General Motors plant in that city. No action taken as requested deadline had passed.

New Business:
-Nurse practitioner reported "dead rodent type smell" in triage room. To be checked out.
-Roof issues, including skylight. Commissioner Raymond had contacted Lauwen Construction for review of the roof. They noted several issues with flashing, screws, etc and quoted $2,000 to make necessary repairs. Moved by Commissioner Frizzell, seconded by Commissioner Mullen "That Lauwen Construction be retained to complete roof repairs at a cost not to exceed $2,500" Carried
-Clerk advised that Melanie Mooney would be conducting a Health and Safety inspection on the Medical centre on October 18th at 1:30. Clerk will attend and invited commissioner to attend as well.

Next meeting date will be November 7th, 2016.

There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 8:10 on motion Commissioner Mullen 2nd Commissioner Frizzell.

Respectively submitted

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________________ _____________________
Clerk Treasurer Chair

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