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The Village Commission will make the minutes of meetings availalbe for viewing after they are approved by the Commission.

Minutes of Meeting of Weymouth Board of Commissioners

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Village of Weymouth was held on Jan 4, 2021 in the meeting room at the Medical Centre with Commissioners Gaudett, Frizzell, Doucet and Mullen present.

Meeting was called to order by the Chair at 6.55 pm.

The minutes of the meeting of Dec 7, 2020 were approved as presented on motion by Commissioner Mullen and seconded by Commissioner Frizzell

Business Arising out of the Minutes:
-Municipality has been advised of Village rate for 21/22

-Christmas greetings from Grant Thornton and Waste Pro
-email from HomeCare on several maintenance issues, including driveway, air exchanger, dumpster locations and mouse infestation.
-email from SouthWest Health advising of another leak in the hall skylight.

Financial Reports: An updated financial report was presented by Clerk Treasurer. Approved on motion by Commissioner Frizzell, seconded by Commissioner Doucet.

New Business:
-Now that audited financial statements have been complete the Clerk presented the annual budget for 20/21 for approval. Budget was approved on motion by Commissioner Doucet, seconded by Commissioner Mullen.
- In response to the HomeCare email, gravel has been purchased and Mr Theriault has started to fill in the ruts in the shared driveway. Dumpster will be relocated during next servicing by WastePro. Requested mouse traps have been provided. Air exchanger filters have been replaced and Clerk has been requested to have HRV units serviced.
-Skylight in Medical Centre hallway is once again leaking and while not in a public area needs to be fixed. Commissioner Doucet will attempt to locate and seal leak in roof at least temporarily until a permanent solution can be found.

Commission meetings will continue to be held on the first Monday of the month unless otherwise advised. Next meeting will be Monday February 1st, 2021. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:27 on motion Commissioner Frizzell seconded by Commissioner Doucet.

Respectively submitted

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ________________ _____________________
Clerk Treasurer Chair

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