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Minutes of Meeting of Weymouth Board of Commissioners

A meeting of the Weymouth Board of Commissioners was held on June 6th, 2016 with Commissioners Raymond, and Mullen present. Commissioner Frizzell sent his regrets. Chair, Commissioner Gaudett called the meeting to order at 6.55 PM.

Also present were Melanie Mooney and Jo Anne Wentzell representing NS Health and Ron Dauphinee, the newly appointed Municipal Advisor for this end of the province. Three interested citizen were also present.

The minutes of Meetings May 2nd, 2016 were approved on motion by Commissioner Raymond and seconded by Commissioner Mullen.

At this time floor was opened the NS Health Representatives to review and if decided to approve the rental agreement for the part time nurse practitioner. Ms Mooney advised that they had concurred with our request to amend rental amount to read $500 PLUS HST. Section VII was also discussed and agreed that we would work together to establish workplace safety procedures. It was subsequently moved by Commissioner Mullen, Seconded by Commissioner Raymond that the Village Commission enter into the rental agreement as amended.

Mr Dauphinee was then given the floor and responded to any issues the commissioners and guests had concerning Municipal Affairs involvement, including discussion on the proposed transfer of fire dept assets to the volunteer fire dept.

Business Arising out of the Minutes:
Flashing Light - Commissioner Frizzell was to follow up. In his absence matter to be carried forward.
Tiwondo group has started to used Ag board room. Commissioner Raymond passed on their appreciation of the village making the space available to them.

Financial Reports: An updated financial report was presented by Clerk Treasurer. Acceptance of report moved by Commissioner Mullen and seconded by Commissioner Raymond. Carried.

Correspondence limited Concrete Association news letter..

New Business:
Date set for Annual General Meeting of Electors to be held at the Fire Hall on June 20th. Clerk to post appropriate notices..

Next meeting date will be June 20th, 2016 following the annual general meeting.

There being no further business meeting was adjourned at 8:10 on motion Commissioner Mullen 2nd Commissioner Raymond.

Respectively submitted

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________________ _____________________
Clerk Treasurer Chair

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